Je souhaite vendre mon billet 3 jours et j’ai tenté par Zepass mais impossible de fait matcher mon numero de code + mon password.
J’ai beau demandé un nouveau password, ça passe mais quand je veux me connecter, cela me dit mot de passe invalide (sur le site de digitik ) et idem, impossible via zepass.
On est le 16 mai, problemes toujours presents. J’attends mon email de confirmation de creation de compte (en fait j’ai meme cree deux comptes sur deux adresses differentes pour etre sur), ca fait plus de 24h. J’ai relance le service client 2 fois, pareil. Et je n’ai vu aucun numero de telephone sur leur site.
Digitick has the worst customer service. On May 10 I contacted them regarding my phone number not being recognized by the system (it is the ONLY phone number I have – and the one I used to purchase my ticket), and thus not being able to change the password to be able to sell my ticket.
Six days later and no reply. It seems that this level of « customer service » is commonplace with Digitick. The Hellfest organizers should seriously consider switching to a different ticket vendor as this company is terrible if you need any assistance.
Sorry, I don’t speak Frech so well, but I’m also unable to sell my ticket via Zepass or Digitick. Zepass seems to ask for a number and a password, but my Zepass password doesn’t work no matter which number from the ticket I use and I cannot find a way to setup an account at Digitick. Can anybody please help me?
*also, Zepass as well as Digitick are horrible sites in general, I hope that Hellfest will change the partner at some point, as I would really like to be able to sell my ticket as it’s not exactly cheap
Yeah same for me, but Zepass is kind of crowded at the moment (and it’s getting cheaper and cheaper) so it might not be the best solution for you to sell right now
sorry, pas de demande de pass ici…et encore moins dans un topic qui n’est pas dédié.
J’ouvrirais rapidement la section « revente de pass », le temps de mettre ça en place et de vous caler des messages d’alertes sur les arnaques potentielles.