[Campsite and Easy Camp]

Hello Hellbangers !

In this topic, you will find all information available for the campsite and the Easy Camp. It will be updated with new details when we have them.

You can also ask questions ici (after checking that it’s not already answered in this post :wink: )


Do I have to pay additional fees to access the campsite?
By purchasing a Hellfest ticket (daily or 4-days passes), you will have access to the campsite free of charge. Please note that this is not the Easy Camp

Should I book a spot in advance?
No booking is necessary for the free campsite. First come, first served.

When will I be allowed access to the campsite?
The campsite will be open from Wednesday June 26th to Monday July 1st. Opening and closing hours will be shared when available.

I purchased a single-day ticket, can I access the campsite?
Single-day tickets holders are allowed access to the campsite for the day of their ticket (i.e if you have a Friday ticket, you will be allowed access on Friday). Holders of Thursday tickets will be allowed on Wednesday evening.

Is there a map of the campsite?
This is the map of the campsite for the 2023 edition. We’ll share the map of 2024 when available.


What is the Easy Camp?
The Easy Camp is a campsite area with a variety of amenities such as showers, toilets, a shady resting area (with tables, beanbag chairs, deckchairs…), a food court and mobile-recharging area. The Easy Camp site is monitored and only accessible to holders of Easy Camp ticket.

When will I be able to purchase an Easy Camp ticket?
We will have more details in the upcoming months.

1 « J'aime »

Hi! is it possible to park with a caravan/roulotte at the campsite instead of a tent? If it isn’t,would it be possible to stay at the park site?

thanks a lot!!

Hello and welcome here !

It’s not possible to access the camp site with your van but there are specific spots at the park sites where you could do it. You’ll just have to follow the volunteers there, they will guide you to the right spot.

Ok perfect, thanks a lot! !And where could we find those volunteers when we get there??

Again, thanks!

You’ll see them when arriving at the parking site. They’re visible with specific shirts and they’ll probably be waving to indicate where you could park. You won’t miss them!

Hi! I have a question regarding access to the camping with single-day tickets. I have tickets for both Saturday and Sunday. Can I then access the campsites and set up my tent on Saturday and stay until Monday morning when the festival is over? I know it says that you have access with single-day tickets for the day of their tickets but I’m not sure about this.


Hello and welcome ! :metal:t3:

Yes, you can access the camp site Saturday morning and stay until Monday morning, given that your other access starts Sunday morning.

Thank you for your quick reply!

1 « J'aime »

Just to make sure you know, you do however need to get a new wristband on Sunday morning.

I already thought so yeah. But thanks for the heads up. Easy thing to forget haha!

Hi Hellbangers,

We have a Tipi for 4 people in the Easy Camp, but unfortunately we have 1 cancellation and maybe another one in the next days, TBC…
So we should have 2 places to share if anyone is interested :love_you_gesture:

Hi again! We’re travelling tomorrow, will it be possible to park there already or we should wait?

Thanks a lot!

Hello !

Parking opens at 8am on Wednesday. I’m not sure if you’ll find the volunteers already there tomorrow.

Have a nice trip!

Moin, kann man mit dem Wohnwagen kommen und gibt es Stehplätze dafür


There are parking spots for vans & camping trucks in the two main parking sites, but we don’t have details about that yet.

Ah super, Danke für die info. Könntest du mir bescheid geben wenn es Neuigkeiten gibt, wäre super

Sure, I’ll make sure to update this topic and the French one as well ‘
