Moderators' Charter


  • Moderators are volunteers for Hellfest
    Production. They will do their best to help you and provide guidance when you need it.
  • Hellfest Production is liable for what’s written on this forum, moderators will use the tools provided by Discourse for any content infringing to the forum’s charter or French legislation.
  • Moderators cannot delete any content that’s neither against French laws nor the Users Charter.

What are Moderators here for ?

  • Interact with users and manage the platform.
  • Share official information when provided by Hellfest Production.
  • Preserve a respectful and peaceful atmosphere for discussions.
  • Provide guidance and answer your questions about the festival and this forum.
  • Pass your remarks and questions on to Hellfest Production when needed.
  • Ensure that there are no contents infringing to existing laws or this forum’s policy and handle your reports about such contents.

Moderators are bound to:

  • Act on this forum for the interest of Hellfest Production and users.
  • Be impartial and fair to all users.
  • Strictly follow the Users Charter and this Moderators Charter to avoid unfair sanctions.
  • Commit to consult each other before any decision-making that’s not based on the Charters.
  • Review users’ suggestions and remarks to improve the experience on this forum.