Pass - 17yrs and -12yrs, questions ticket sale

This thread is opened because it is a source of repetitive questions about this subject!

Here is the news concerning the half price places:

This operation will take place again this year, on the same conditions as last year’s edition.

Children under the age of 12 can enter for free under the condition of being accompanied by an adult family member.
Delegation is possible under the condition of filling in a declaration, which is signed by the parents, and under presentation of their identity cards.
The child will not recieve a bracelet, to prevent it from entering or leaving the festival alone.

Minors from age 12 to -17 (meaning: 17 years old and one day is a dead end!) can obtain a half price pass, under the condition of being accompanied by an adult family member.
Delegation is possible under the condition of filling in a declaration, which is signed by the parents, and under presentation of their identity cards.

The half price rate is ONLY available on the festival site itself, but the person who accompanies the minor, must be in possession of a valid ticket, bought in advance!
The adult will present his/her own ticket (to be obtained in advance, particularly this year) at the ticket sale point together with the identy cards, as well as a written statement from the parents, in case this is needed.

There will be a sufficient amount of half price tickets for sale, so do not worry about this subject.

Thanks Quark!

Merci Quark