Refund credit Cashless

Before anyone starts gettin annoyed and/or starts asking.

A refund of your Cashless-Card is, as from this year, possible!
However, it’ll start from June 21!

All info is available on the website of the Cashless-Card! It’s even valid for non French inhabitants.

And the link is here! (maybe change it into UK (English) first, but that’s fairly easy)

Anyone got refund via paypal yet? My request still says « You have already a refund request for your tag xxxxxxx submit at Jun 21, 2017 5:01:07, the request will be processed shortly. » 7th day is coming soon, and I wouldn’t want to lose my money. :slight_smile:

Apparently PayInTech is paying all PayPals at the very last day. But that’s what I’ve read on the French part of the forum.

And I found it!

Du coup, j’ai téléphoné cette après-midi. Apparemment, j’étais le premier à les appeler pour une carte 2016 non-utilisée cette année, et ça a pas mal fait grincer des dents quand j’ai expliqué qu’encore une fois Payintech renvoie vers eux. Et comme la semaine dernière, mon interlocutrice doit faire remonter/se renseigner, donc à voir ce que ça va donner.

This part is most important. It says: [quote]Pour les étrangers, le remboursement se fera via Paypal. Vous avez jusquau 7 pour demander et les virements se feront le 08/07.

For all foreigners, the refund will be done through Paypal. You have until 7 (July) to demand your refund. The transfers will be done on 8 July.


J’ai un soucis pour mon remboursement de cashless. Code déjà utilisé quand je veux l’associer
Qqn à des informations sur ce Sujet?

Merci d’avane


Vu que tu postes en Français, c’est mieux d’aller dans le bon topic :wink: :


Oui c clair désolé

Our previous Cashless cards remained valid this year (2017), but we did clear them down and loaded up a new one.
It seems that due to complete lethargy I missed the boat on refunds (it’s only enough for our 1st pair of beers so no biggie) and reading this thread we fear there’ll be no carry forward of 2017 to 2018; any thoughts?
PS please don’t have a go at the Hellfest guys - they do a brilliant job with the festival and our exposure is only around a tenner.

Cashless 2017 is not valid for 2018.