Your questions about Hellfest!

^Agreed. Looking forward to the next 50 so I can have an easier time convincing my friends to go. Right now all I have is maybes which is bloody annoying coz this is the festival of 2011 for me (so far) even if Download have SOAD.

In the french forum they say it is not know when the announcement will be, only that it will be some time before March.

So much conflicting info. :frowning:

They have said first that it will be for january 14th but they haven’t finished to book the bands, officially Hellfest team announce it before March :wink:

Excuse my english, I’m trying to progress^^

Reading lots of conflicting, incorrect and silly information here and there…

Basically, a third announcement was originally eventually planned for Jan 14th and a fourth one a few days later. The staff has changed his mind: there will do a big and final announcement, soon, be patient).

What a good news =)

Indeed. Thanks for making it clearer, MetalWombat. :slight_smile:

looking forward to the final announcement, although you got me with malevolent creation and kreator… six feet under would just send me into melt down… i love them too much

Were Satanic Warmaster taken off the festival?

SWM and Street Dogs are not on the bill anymore. So yes.

Any idea why?

Well… Regarding SWM, you might understand what could be the reason. The band is no longer on the bill so we do not wish to talk about it more than necessary. Regarding Street Dogs, not so sure but there’s definitely a gap between late May and early August in their planning so maybe they did not find any suitable tour during the period. Let’s say it was a ‹ regular › concellation.

Is there directions for Sat-Nav or Google? Or will there be signs around Clisson directing to the Festival site?

Yes :frowning:
See here:

Is there transportation between Mouzillon and the festival?

Once in Clisson, there will be signs everywhere, don’t worry. You’ll find some additional information in the INFO section of the officiel webite.
There is no festival shuttle service between Mouzillon and the festival site. You might have to get a cab or something.

Right on, thank you, Wombat.

Gotta say, kudos for your stand on Satanic Warmaster. That whole neo-nazi ideology or at least something close to it exploited for shock value as quotes seemingly attributed to Lauri over the past few years, is something the whole metal scene regardless of genre has to oppose.


Any further details on disabled access/tickets this year?

Once again, there should be a dedicated spot at the campsite as well as in the main stages area. I’ll asked the staff for an update on the issue. I’ll let you know when they come back to me.

=> got an answer from staff : nothing new compared to last year.

What exactly were the arrangements last year, mate? Sorry for pestering, I didn’t have to check it out last year but with my girlfriend wanting to come this time I just need to check it all out for her.