Your questions about Hellfest!

Thanks for your kindness, but you’re wrong.

I’m going to try that when my cashless card is empty :smiley:

looking for « eek »-smiley
63 Days? I still haven’t finished, and I’ve been in Francophonia for more than 5 years! :o

Im schlimmsten Fall, ruf mich an. Ich schicke dir, bei Bedarf, meine Handynummer. :wink:

Im schlimmsten Fall habe ich einen Einheimischen dabei. Aber der soll sich lieber betrinken auf seinem ersten Festival :wink:

Oh, dann kommet gut! :wink: :smiley:

Don’t worry, people at Hellfest are far more interesting than the average French you can meet in touristic places!
So even if the spoken english is not perfect, a lot of people try to help and make efforts so that everybody could enjoy their festival.
You see, in this section of the forum, there are as many French people as non-French and it doesn’t look so bad, does it? :cool:

You know, somme french native live in France since their birth, speaking french everyday, and still don’t have finish to learn it (and cannot correctly speak it)

@Pok: so true… :rolleyes:

:lol: :lol:
They never begin to learn it

@Pok, Pierro and Alyann, so conforting! THanks! :slight_smile: :smiley:

Perhaps it’s possible that « French speaking » was just an option at school…or in life too… :rolleyes:

I have an official answer.
But first you need to know that I have a disbillity, and this question has actually got to do with the fact that my name is on my diabillity card, yet not on my ticket. So I sent a mail to the PMR section (PMR=persons with reduced mobility)
This is what I got as an answer.

In English:
Dear Quark,

We’re just going to scan your 3days pass, and if it has not yet been scanned (think about fraude) this will be good for us, as we are not going to make the connection between the name on the pass and your disabiillity card.


I reckon my previous answer stands. :slight_smile:

So and what is the use of the name on the ticket now? Since it seems that they don’t check the ID?

Decoration. :smiley:

Zur Kurzinfo, die Karten die ich für « Into the Void » und « Eindhoven Metal Meeting » gekauft habe, sind ebenfalls nominativ, und keiner interesiert’s. Ich denk eh um zu wissen WER die Karten kauft, als in « Von woher kommt jeder Besucher ».
Aber ich hab wirklich KEINE Ahnung.

I have my name on my ticket → I’m a happy man ! See here: :smiley:

You don’t → you’re a sad man, as you can see for yourself: 8.(

I also have my name on the Ticket ]:smiley:
But now it seems so stupid that I was so worried about misspelling it while ordering 8o

Your name must be very complicated, that you’re still worried to misspell it! :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha no, I’m just not always very clever 8o

Let’s start with the fact that my name is so complicated, the Flemish (Dutch Belgians) can’t even pronounce it properly. Let alone the French speaking.

And last year, the man at the ticket booth at Nantes station couldn’t believe I was Dutch, as the system indicated Belgian. (SNCF help at the station )

So I’m not worried anymore.